Academic review based on bibliometric indicators as a socio-technical system. Micro and macropolitics of the hierarchy of S&T products and activities


  • Hernan Thomas Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología (IESCT), Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
  • Lucas Becerra Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología (IESCT), Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
  • Florencia Trentini Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología (IESCT), Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)





The academic review based on quantitative bibliometric indicators –impact factor – WoS; Scimago sjr – Scopus and h-index – Google Scholar– has become in recent decades one of the main pillars of the hierarchy of publications, the definition of research agendas, the formation of research teams, the allocation of financial resources and the promotion –and sometimes stagnation– of professional careers for researchers and technologists.

This centrality has determined multiple levels of incidence from a practice relatively restricted to intra-community dynamics, to the point of turning “objective” review technology based on bibliometric indicators into a hegemonic practice. However, such hegemony does not imply an absolute consensus: the manifestos contained in this dossier are proof of this.

The analysis are deployed from a socio-technical approach and is presented in terms of an incremental argument. First, the socio-technical trajectory of the transition between peer review technology –subjective, “idiosyncratic”– and bibliometric –“objective”– is analyzed, focusing on the non-linear change process suffered by: criteria, mechanisms, protocols and practices –from the end of the Second World War to the present day– on an international scale and their adaptation to the Latin American s&t institutional arrangements.

Second, specific problems of review technology based on bibliometric indicators are addressed. Thus, the problems –conceptual and empirical– of the “objective” review are analyzed, as well as their derived problems: on the conception of the quality of academic production; researchers micro-practices and review micro-practices.

This analysis by specific elements is integrated, in a third instance, in systemic terms. What the “objective” review measures –and by derivation, what makes invisible– is put into tension; how does this review technology affect the relationship between the production of scientific knowledge and the production of goods and services; between the production of scientific knowledge and the production of solutions to local problems; and between the research agendas and the public policies of science, technology, innovation and development in Latin America.

The article concludes with an analytical reconstruction of the socio-technical alliance in terms of the relational capacities, the loops and the inertial dynamics that builds, stabilizes and reinforces the working dynamic of the "objective” review technology. This last level of analysis allows us to measure the transforming capacity of the different solutions –proposed in the manifests– to the problems analyzed.


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How to Cite

Thomas, H., Becerra, L., & Trentini, F. (2020). Academic review based on bibliometric indicators as a socio-technical system. Micro and macropolitics of the hierarchy of S&amp;T products and activities. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 25(49), 253–337.

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