Elements and movements at the work with palm


  • Myriam Perret CONICET. Universidad Nacional de Misiones




In this article we analyze what happens between materials and people in the artisanal process, focusing on the sharing of works during a series of encounters of artisans-designers from the cities of Resistencia, Fortín Lavalle and Corrientes. The conversations and the weaving give account of the framework present in the manufacture of these things, in such a way that not only "the artisans" make them. In this process the presence of the “client” is strong. She or he appear through the work of the “designers”. Also, the inertia of the materials leads to the production of certain works instead of others. Those undergo transformations, some dangerous and others usable by the workers. And in this process the weaver remains in the weave in such a way that later it is possible to recognize her from her work.


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How to Cite

Perret, M. . (2018). Elements and movements at the work with palm. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 24(47), 179–202. Retrieved from https://revistaredes.unq.edu.ar/index.php/redes/article/view/35