La federalización de la CTI en Argentina y el diseño de políticas de inversiones públicas para la infraestructura del conocimiento




STI federalization, knowledge infrastructure, policy design, Argentina


In this article we propose a contribution to the analysis of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) federalization in Argentina, addressing two vacant areas in the field of academic studies in STI. On the one hand, the subject of knowledge infrastructure (KI) and, on the other hand, the analysis of public policy design processes. In this vein, we carry out a literary review that complements contributions of systemic innovation economy approach with bibliography in political science known as "the new orientation of public policy design”. Under this framework, in first place we present conceptual notions of KI and its functions in National Innovation Systems, as well as the discussion on the role of the State and policy decisions regarding needed investments for its development and sustainability. In second place, we expose a renewed conceptual and analytical proposal for addressing policy design processes, and its contributions oriented to identify federalization levels of public resources invested. The empirical reference is the case study of KI public investment policy in Argentina between 2005 and 2015.


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2022-08-02 — Updated on 2022-08-02


How to Cite

Kababe, Y., & Gutti, P. (2022). La federalización de la CTI en Argentina y el diseño de políticas de inversiones públicas para la infraestructura del conocimiento. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 27(53).