Co-production of knowledge and Networking in South Eastern South America




Co-production, Climate Services, Interdiscipline, Reflexivity


This article describes and analyzes the evolution of an inter-institutional and interdisciplinary network for the provision of climate services in South America. Specifically, we focus on the creation of the Regional Climate Center for Southeastern South America (CRC-SAS), the main challenges and opportunities that emerge from this knowledge co-production space. The constitution of this center implied a reorganization of knowledge within the network and a reformulation of priorities and strategies to reach potential users of climate information. In this process, the institutional recognition of the complexity of the co-production approach has triggered a reflective stand of the challenges that the generation of socially relevant knowledge implies. At the same time, we show how co-production generated great expectations of increasing the relevance of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) at the regional and local levels and increasing their visibility with governments and society.


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How to Cite

Carabajal, M. I. (2022). Co-production of knowledge and Networking in South Eastern South America. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 28(54).

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