From “todero” to “cangrejero”: an approach from co-production to the location of a neuroscience laboratory


  • Luana Noelia Ferroni CIS-CONICET/IDES



laboratory, neurosciences, co-production, technician, locality


The social studies of science and technology in Latin America have discussed certain deterministic and static uses of the center-periphery binomial for the understanding of the specificities of science in the region. This work presents an ethnographic study carried out in an Argentine neuroscience laboratory. The aim of this analysis is to broaden the margins of action and negotiation of Latin American groups located in conditions considered to be adverse. The focus is put on the reconstruction of the trajectory of a laboratory technician who has become a central figure in the group. Considering the notion of co-production, it is shown how the dynamics through which people, animals, places, instruments and capacities acted in the configuration of a particular way of doing science and in the identification of the group. It is concluded that in the dynamics of co-production between group senses and ways of proceeding in research, there are own marks of scientific practices from these latitudes. Particularities that cannot be reduced to the weight of the global structure and that show different connections with the local societies in which this activity is situated.


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How to Cite

Ferroni, L. N. (2022). From “todero” to “cangrejero”: an approach from co-production to the location of a neuroscience laboratory. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 28(54).