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Rigor and transformative capacity of research on regional innovation systems: a conceptual model for collaboration between experts and researchers in action


  • Leandro Lepratte Grupo sobre Innovación, Desarrollo y Competitividad (GIDIC), Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay (FRCU), Argentina
  • Pablo Costamagna Instituto Praxis, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Facultad Regional Rafaela (FRR), UNRaf (Universidad Nacional de Rafaela). Argentina
  • Miren Larrea Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness and Deusto Business School, San Sebastián, España.



Regional system of innovation, Researchers, Facilitators, Theorizing, Praxis


The regional innovation systems approach has entered the academic sphere and science, technology and innovation policies based on normative and universalist criteria. Researchers, from the mainstream, have adopted a position of external observers and advisers using analytical frameworks that makes it difficult for them to capture the specificity of the learning processes, technological change and innovation capacities in the territories.
This article focuses on studying the role that researchers play in territories oriented by the regional innovation systems approach, adding a reflection on the role of the researcher as a facilitator of development processes.
For this, a reflexivity exercise based on methodological principles of action research is carried out. The case is a process of co-construction of knowledge between expert researchers and researchers in action in Rafaela, Argentina between the years 2015 and 2018. The results identify three fundamental axes arising from the positionalities adopted by the researchers: co-construction of knowledge among them, the co-construction of knowledge with actors of the territory and theorizing based on contextualized learning.
The case shows that convergence efforts between positionalities based on investigative rigor and transformative action depend on a series of factors such as: driving in territories oriented towards the logic of regional innovation systems, generating spaces for collaboration, maintaining a pluralistic attitude and strengthen relationships of trust.
The article makes an original contribution to a rarely explored subject by proposing a conceptual framework that contextualizes the role of researchers in territorial development processes guided by the logic of regional innovation systems. It also makes interpretative contributions to the relationship between theorizing and praxis to re-signify the approach of regional innovation systems, and go from a descriptive-normative framework to one based on the specificity of the dynamics and socio-technical trajectories of the territories.


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How to Cite

Lepratte, L., Costamagna, P. ., & Larrea, M. . (2022). Rigor and transformative capacity of research on regional innovation systems: a conceptual model for collaboration between experts and researchers in action. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 27(52).