The socio-technical analysis in public policies, replication or reapplication? The case of the Act 4499 in Río Negro


  • Mahuen Gallo Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento / Universidad Nacional de Quilmes / Centro de Estudios Económicos y Sociales Scalabrini Ortiz.


public policies, sociotechnical alliances, artifacts, agenda


This work is the result of an investigation carried out on the legislative construction of Law 4499 of the province of Rio Negro, covering a period that goes from 2005 to 2010. This legislative construction was made from the constitutional tool of popular initiative, which was proposed by the producers of the Mercado de la Estepa, located in the town of Dina Huapi. Based on the work done in this experience, the demands of the rural workers grouped there were identified and work was considered on legislation that would give attention to the multiple problems identified.

For this approach, the course of the legislative process initiated in 2005 was reconstructed and in what way the Act 4499 was effectively sanctioned, with an important institutional weight and organizational constructions that supported, accompanied and encouraged the development of that law. The reconstruction of the socio-technical trajectory of the policy process, three periods were identified (defined from the milestones that made the process), which were reflected in socio-technical alliances that as a whole trace the socio-technical trajectory of this process. It was considered pertinent to use this theoretical-methodological approach in order to visualize the relationships between the different actors, artifacts and technologies.

The reconstruction of the socio-technical trajectory allows, then, to identify if the arguments raised in the first discussions and documents are those that transcend and are reflected in the regulation of Act 4499 as the final point of the legislative journey, allows observing how the actors they are configured around the Mercado de la Estepa technology and the Act artifact.

This approach from the socio-technical alliances allows a renewed analysis regarding the construction, design, sanction and execution of public policies while deepening the already classical discussions of the political sciences and new views from the socio-technical analysis.


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How to Cite

Gallo, M. (2018). The socio-technical analysis in public policies, replication or reapplication? The case of the Act 4499 in Río Negro. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 24(46), 137–152. Retrieved from



Research notes