The pampa submarina. History of a scientific and political definition of marine life (1910-1930)


  • Ezequiel Sosiuk Centro de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad, Universidad Maimonides. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet)



History, Marine biology, Social problems, Knowledge problems, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales


In this article I discuss the historical development of the first investigations that problematized how marine life was distributed according to environmental parameters in the first two decades of the 20th century in Argentina. These works were carried out by Martín Doello Jurado, naturalist and director of the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences. His works had the support of various officers of the Argentine Navy. Particularly relevant was the role of Segundo Storni, who was concerned with establishing the geographical limits of the Argentine Sea and incorporating fishing activity as a source of economic resources for the country. I am interested in investigating how Doello Jurado incorporated the problems mobilized by Storni in the scientific definition of marine life. I conclude that, through the construction of the notion of “underwater pampa”, Doello Jurado articulated not only his scientific concerns, but also the strategic problems raised by Storni. Thus, the article investigates the close interweaving between social and knowledge problems. Although other works analyzed the collaborations between naturalists and fishermen in Latin America, the role of the Navy has been less themed. Thus, I seek to highlight the role of officers in the scientific problematization of marine life. Through analysis of Navy documents and naturalist publications, he tracked what kinds of questions were asked, what his interests were, and how Navy ships enabled the development of novel investigations.


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How to Cite

Sosiuk, E. (2021). The pampa submarina. History of a scientific and political definition of marine life (1910-1930). Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 26(51).