Technology and time control in work dynamics: from the Industrial Revolution to Neoliberalism




Time, Job insecurity, Neoliberalism


Technology and time control are present in work dynamics, regulating the activities of workers from the Industrial Revolution to Neoliberalism. In this way, work relations are mediated by time with the development of greater management resources by the technology deployed. Impacts are observed not only on the form but on the content of the work, generating a profound social change in life. The objective was to make a relationship between the Marxist theory regarding aspects of the influence of technology in the transformation of contemporary labor relations that show the advances of capitalism and its effects on subjectivity and the meanings attributed to the world of work. The feeling of acceleration of time shows how everything seems to be faster and how we are living with fear and with the feeling of anxiety and insecurity, which is increasing due to the lack of time. It is concluded that the dynamics of neoliberal work point out perversities in the different forms of precariousness linked by means of greater control of the time in favor of maximum productivity. The relevance of the discussion about the control of time as a form of labor exploitation in the capitalist system is highlighted, since this dimension influences the precariousness of the workers' own life in the neoliberal logic.


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How to Cite

Pereira Manske, L., & de Lima Dias, M. S. (2021). Technology and time control in work dynamics: from the Industrial Revolution to Neoliberalism. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 26(51).