Indicating ethnography as a strategy for understanding the technical action of the engineer in companies in the Blumenau Microregion
Engineering. Ethnography. Sociotechnical. Formation strategies., Engineering, Ethnography, Socio-technical, Training StrategiesAbstract
This article aims to present the results of a socio-technical investigation, in order to understand the work of engineers in their workspace, taking an interdisciplinary look at the design processes as well as product and process development. This is a field research, which investigated issues related to the technical action of the engineer in some textile companies in the Itajaí Valley region. Nowadays, the context of engineering education was discussed, and through an effort to approach the ethnographic method within companies, coupled with interviews, we sought to acquire the observed practices, regarding technical and non-technical objects, to use this knowledge in engineering education, considering technology and technological innovations as the result of a whole network of relationships. The results indicated that the technical action undertaken by the target engineers of this investigation develops within a network of relationships between objects whose spokespersons are people or social groups. As such, their practices demand leadership skills and competencies, interpersonal relationships, multidisciplinary teamwork, communication, investigative attitude, etc. Their knowledge can broaden engineering students' perspectives about the complexity of their professional work.
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