Flojo de papeles: the craftsmanship of audio sampling as a sample of the problems surrounding the terms document and file




In the context of transition of the hegemony of recording technologies from paper to digital support, and particularly with the creation and implementation of the Sistema de Gestión Documental Electrónica (GDE) by the Argentinian National Estate, we address the terms document and sample, retrieving their institutional and academic definitions, and testing them in the analysis of a body of objects apparently dissimilar, but equally catalogued inside the field of documentation: the sample sources for the production of electroacoustic music.


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How to Cite

Flojo de papeles: the craftsmanship of audio sampling as a sample of the problems surrounding the terms document and file. (2018). Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 24(47), 115–139. Retrieved from https://revistaredes.unq.edu.ar/index.php/redes/article/view/32