Biology, Medicine and Biomedicine: hybrids, fetiches and factiches
biology, biomedicine, institutionalization, professionalization, discipline, faitiche, facticheAbstract
Medicine is a practice that has been developed since immemorial times, coming out from the space of Hard Sciences and relying on a mysticism that awards it an enormous power: of healing, of controlling men’s bodies, of dominating life. On the contrary, Biology is a Science that is constituted as such during the second half of the 19th Century, with a conceptual body that will take care of fundamental problems of life and living beings: the unity, the form, the function, the transformation, the diversity and the continuity without being especifically associated to Human health issues.
With the appearance of Biology, the medical environment will undergo a transformation together with other changes of Sciences, while Medicine, arguing its conversion in a scientific discipline, will turn into a powerful technology that projects the social image of being “the Science of life”.
During the 20th Century, the achievements of Biological knowledge have allowed to explain and manipulate the phenomenon of Heredity, which at the same time, have favored the consolidation of proximities between Biology and Medicine. Given the force and strong social domination of the medical profession, they have eclipsed Biology as autonomous and unified Science. The ultimate expression of this trend is the rise of the word “Biomedicine” pretending that this discipline corresponds to a hybrid discipline, and it is not. Because the practices known as biomedical are part of what should be properly named as “Experimental Biology”.
The aim of this work is to confront this wrong idea bringing back key historical moments of the development of Biology that show it as autonomous discipline with regard to Medicine. While the so-called Biomedicine is a faitiche (factiche) that is constructed and imposed in the minds and in the practices, displacing what should be considered as biological in strict sense.
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