Knowledge Society in Argentina: The case of a network-organization, Tenaris


  • Alejandro Artopoulos Universidad de San Andrés



innovation, organization-network, knowledge society


This paper is about the case of Tenaris, a multinational corporation from Argentina that became a leader in the Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) market, a strategic supply for oil & gas sector, with 40% market share in 2007. We can state that Tenaris reinvent industrial capitalism from periphery. It is an unusual case of an emergent giant that no only adapted itself to globalization but it also took full advantage of the transition to informational capitalism. The case enlightens the performance of Tenaris showing the innovation of network form of the organization structure based in knowledge production, that we call “network-organization”. This piece is first step of a research program that study cases of different sectors with the objective of analyze the components of the network form of the organization.


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How to Cite

Artopoulos, A. (2022). Knowledge Society in Argentina: The case of a network-organization, Tenaris. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 15(29), 241–276.



Research notes