Evaluating Spaces of Innovation and Social Appropriation to Reduce Gender Gaps in the Colombian Countryside: Case Study of the Nocaima-Colombia Rural Laboratory





Social appropriation, rural women, innovation, rural laboratory, indicators of social appropriation, gender gap


This article presents a qualitative analysis about the dynamics of social appropriation of knowledge during the spaces of science, technology and innovation that seek to contribute to the reduction of gender gaps suffered by women in the Colombian countryside. This case analysis was created from the gestation of a Rural Laboratory made up of women from the municipality of Nocaima, Cundinamarca led by the National University of Colombia and with the participation of social actors (ANMUCIC), politicians (Municipal Mayor of Nocaima) and private (Sumercelab and CDT -SUNSUCA) seeking to strengthen food security and sovereignty capabilities through knowledge in science and technology but changing the traditional dynamics (in a single way) that have worked in the municipality for decades. For this qualitative assessment process, the rural laboratory was used as a case study, given that in this space, women had the opportunity to decide, get to know each other, reflect, share knowledge, learn by doing and grow in skills and knowledge for application in their daily life through the development of seven (7) sessions such as ecological agriculture, water: catchment and purification, employability: reduction of gender gaps at the labor level, citizen participation and community organization. Among the tangible results are the following prototypes: fog catcher, water filter, home garden of aromatics and vegetables, home organic fertilizer, home controller for ants, digester bale, dehydrator, solar charger. Regarding the intangible results are the strengthening of capacities related to the management of equipment, construction tools and sharing their knowledge and feelings. Continuing with the methodological phases, the search and selection of a compendium of recommended PHC indicators was carried out to evaluate the impact through the rural laboratory seen as a non-formal learning space; later; The laboratory tools supported by the selected indicators were collected, seeking that they provide complete information, easy to interpret and thus establish the impact of the social appropriation of knowledge, science and technology in the daily lives of women. Finally, as a result of the appropriation analysis of what was learned, the analysis of gaps and the development of the laboratory itself, it was possible to build a social fabric among women, to configure a female meeting space; as well as; a space of social appropriation for these women who for the first time made use of different machinery commonly handled by men.


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How to Cite

Trivino Arevalo, A. M., Palacios Corredor, L. M. ., Ramírez Cuervo, G. A., Reina Rozo , J. D. ., & Puerto Palacios , J. . (2023). Evaluating Spaces of Innovation and Social Appropriation to Reduce Gender Gaps in the Colombian Countryside: Case Study of the Nocaima-Colombia Rural Laboratory. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 29(56). https://doi.org/10.48160/18517072re56.194