Community-Based Innovation Ecosystems: Collaboration and Co-creation in socio-technical systems.




Collaboration, Co-creation, Collaborative ecology, Innovation ecosystems, Communal innovation


Collaboration at the conceptual and methodological level has been incorporated into an academic, work and professional narrative. In particular, in the literature of innovation studies, collaboration and co-creation have been of much interest at the managerial, network and experiential levels. However, there is still a gap in theoretical and analytical terms to understand this process. The aim of the present text is to provide a theoretical analysis of collaboration and in particular, to suggest the framework of community-based innovation ecosystems as a scenario of socio-technical co-production. In this way, this dynamic of interaction and interdependence between organizations is problematized, which is the basis for analyzing innovation systems and ecosystems through the relational perspective. A model of collaborative innovation ecosystem is presented and the five basic dimensions of this phenomenon are highlighted. Finally, final considerations are presented, focusing on its main elements around the theory of collaboration, relational processes of innovation and innovation ecosystems to conceive collaborative ecologies.


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How to Cite

Reina Rozo, J. D. (2022). Community-Based Innovation Ecosystems: Collaboration and Co-creation in socio-technical systems . Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 28(55).

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