Technology and Reproduction: Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) and Surrogacy




reproduction, reproductive technologies, surrogacy, body, gender


In this paper I propose to explore the perspectives of analysis that have examined reproductive technologies, in particular, the practice of gestational surrogacy, focusing on those that have been carried out from a feminist approach. In this sense, I am interested in showing the way in which these studies approached these techniques - distinguishing international considerations from local ones -, making visible a variety of issues surrounding the intersection between technology and reproduction. Thus, by focusing on surrogacy, I try to show how certain analyses that insist on banning the procedure reproduce dualisms and essentialisms about certain ideas that reproductive technologies themselves put into question. As a counterpoint, I propose to analyse the elements present in those approaches that insist on the need to regulate the practice and that emphasise the negative consequences of its prohibition. In this sense, I argue that those analyses that go beyond dichotomous and essentialist readings of the issue offer a more appropriate framework for approaching the subject, as they expose, from different perspectives, the intersection between body, gender and technology, as well as the experiences of those who participate. With the aim of contributing to the discussion of the issue in Argentina, I focus on the narratives that surrounded the attempt to regulate surrogacy in the country and the ways in which users interpret the practice.



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How to Cite

Penchansky, M. C. (2023). Technology and Reproduction: Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) and Surrogacy. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 29(56).