Modeled breezes, seeded and photographed clouds. The Department of Meteorology at UBA and the United States Air Force (1955-1963)




U.S. Air Force, meteorology, Argentina


This article focuses on the financing of the U.S. Air Forces since 1960 for a meteorological project developed in the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (FCEN) on the circulation of the atmosphere over the Andes mountain range, that was managed by Dean Rolando García. This article aims to analyze how the interests and networks financed by the United States military contributed to outlining the strategies of the FCEN meteorology department. This will require analyzing how historically the theoretical developments on the general circulation of the atmosphere were associated with the practices of wind modeling, cloud seeding and cloud photography between 1955 and 1963.


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How to Cite

Rieznik, M. (2023). Modeled breezes, seeded and photographed clouds. The Department of Meteorology at UBA and the United States Air Force (1955-1963). Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 29(57).