Opening the black box design: some methodological considerations applied to the apparel sector in Argentina


  • Diego Silva Failde Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Paulina Becerra Centro de Investigación en Diseño Industrial de Productos Complejos, fadu, uba
  • Gabriel Yoguel Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento



design, endogenous competences, complex systems, firm performance, clothing industry


Within the framework of evolutionist and neoschumpeterian approaches, that conceive technology as a much more complex dimension than the mere accumulation of machines and physical assets, the aim of this paper is to contribute to the discussion of design as an innovative activity. In that direction, present study is based on the following questions: 1) Which are the necessary dimensions to grasp the development level of design activities within a specific industry?, 2) which elements of that dimensions are key to determine design intensity within a firm performance?, 3) what is the link between design intensity and technological and organizational competences of the firms?, and 4) is it possible to grasp the determinant dimensions of design complexity by doing surveys of the firms? Based on the findings from a specifically designed survey, we present a methodological and conceptual discussion on the meaning and measurement of design and its implications on firm performance, in order to attempt to open the black box of design.


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How to Cite

Silva Failde, D. ., Becerra , P. ., & Yoguel, G. . (2010). Opening the black box design: some methodological considerations applied to the apparel sector in Argentina. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 16(31), 75–112.