Subdermal Implants on Facebook: Latin American Users, Agency, and Adherence




Contraceptive Implants, Medicalization, Social Networks, Users


This article analyzes the interactions in the Facebook group Contraceptive implant (doubts), created in 2015 and made up of almost twenty-two thousand users of the method from seventeen Latin American countries. It is a virtual space where these women make inquiries about this contraceptive to other members of the group. There they share information about access, placement and extraction of the artifact, but the most frequent topics refer to experiences about adverse effects and efficacy. Through an ethnographic record, it delves into the interactions that build the identity of the group, into the dynamics that define how the relationship of the users with the method should be, and how they dispute meanings with the scripts prescribed for the implants by the users. the pharmaceutical industry and medical knowledge. It focuses on the meanings attributed to these devices, their effects and the female body.


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How to Cite

Rustoyburu, C. (2023). Subdermal Implants on Facebook: Latin American Users, Agency, and Adherence. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 29(56).