Science, gender and self-representation

study of the hashtag #mulheresnaciencia on Instagram




women in science, representation, identity, stereotypes, online media


Stereotyped media representations have historically been associated with the persistence of gender inequalities in Science and Technology (S&T), demanding the production and study of more diverse representations in this field. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to examine the self-representations of women scientists in online media, based on the use of Instagram in the Brazilian context. For this, it was proposed to investigate the posts linked to the hashtag #mulheresnaciencia between October and November 2021, using qualitative content analysis. Three main thematic categories were verified: appropriation and reconfiguration of the “scientist” stereotype; gender claim in S&T; and construction of identities and subjectivities in S&T. Among these axes, the uses of the hashtag facilitated the circulation of representations of women in science from plural perspectives and contributed to the fight against stereotypes, especially when women appropriated technological resources and exercised the production of themselves as subject agents in the area of S&T.


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How to Cite

Rezende Lopes, A., Leal, T., & Massarani, L. . (2023). Science, gender and self-representation: study of the hashtag #mulheresnaciencia on Instagram. Redes. Journal of Social Studies of Science and Technology, 28(55).