DOI: https://doi.org/10.48160/18517072re58.227
The scientific community in support of the SDG: the
case of São Paulo Research Foundation
Thais Aparecida Dibbern*
Milena Pavan Serafim**
This paper aims to present how the scientific community has been adopting the 17
Sustainable Development Goals agenda, with special emphasis on the case of the São
Paulo Research Foundation. The research was carried out based on bibliographic
reviews and access to data published by the funding agency itself. The following results
are highlighted: previously to the launch of Agenda 2030, the agency already
presented several projects that incorporated the theme of sustainable development;
over the years, it was possible to observe a significant growth in relation to the granting
of scholarships linked to SDG and sustainable development issues, as well as a
significant quantitative grow on cooperation agreements and partnerships on those
matters; other types of contributions from the agency could be observed, such as with
the public sector and with companies.
* Departamento de Política Científica e Tecnológica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. E-mail:
** Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. E-mail:
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 2
The aim of this paper is to present how the scientific community has been adopting the
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda, focusing on the Fundação de
Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo Research Foundation
FAPESP/Brazil). According to Dinu and Posch “the SDG represent a paradigm newly
introduced in 2015, and therefore there does not exist extensive literature related to
the SDG in the context of universities” (Dinu and Posch, 2019: 12), as well as within the
role performed by research funding agencies (Dibbern, 2023). Therefore, it is expected
to contribute to the recent debates on how these research funding agencies, in
particular FAPESP, are adopting this global development agenda, considering their
support for research.
In general, the methodological procedures were based on exploratory activities
of bibliographic review on the topic addressed, access to documents and reports
developed by the International Scientific Associations that deal with the SDG and their
relationship with the Higher Education Institutions (HEI), as well as by consulting the
FAPESP Virtual Library database, where it is possible to obtain information about all the
scholarships and grants that the agency has financed and is financing. The data linked
to the "FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals" portal were also analyzed in
this study. As a form of organization, in addition to this introduction and final
considerations, the paper presents three main parts: the first concerns the panorama
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of the emergence of the SDG as a global research agenda. The second part of this
paper aims to contextualize the debate on how the scientific community can
collaborate with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, according to the bibliographic
literature. The third part of the paper focuses on the presentation of how FAPESP has
included the SDG into its research agenda. It is important to highlight that the case of
FAPESP was chosen due to its importance with respect to the Brazilian science and
technology system, its role and influence in relation to the other agencies in the system,
as well as its institutional autonomy regarding the Government of São Paulo. As can
be seen in the table below, FAPESP’s budget is larger than that of the national agency,
the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico CNPq, which
adds to the importance of its work not just for the Brazilian case, but also for the Latin
American one.
Table 1. Budget of main Brazilian R&D funding agencies
Brazilian main R&D funding agencies
Budget (R$)
CAPES (Ministry of Education/Presidency of the Brazilian
CNPq (Ministry of Science, Technology, and
Innovations/Presidency of the Brazilian Republic)
FAPESP (São Paulo) 1,44
Source: Author’s elaboration according to the Portal da Transparência (Brazil).
In this study, we propose that the adoption of these goals can be justified by
considering two factors. First, we hypothesize that the influence of foreign funding
agencies on FAPESP plays a significant role. Second, we attribute the adoption of these
goals to an internal movement within FAPESP led by the professors and researchers
who are part of the Foundation. The theoretical framework of the Latin American
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perspective of Social Studies in Science and Technology and the Geopolitics of
Knowledge are used in the data analysis.
An overview on SDG
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), approved in September 2015 by the
United Nations Heads of State and Government, present a series of goals aimed to
guide decision making in the fifteen-year period (2015-2030). These announce the
scale and ambition of a new global agenda based on the balance between four
dimensions: economic, social, environmental, and institutional (Sachs, 2012). Among
its various interconnected topics, the SDG aim to combat hunger and poverty; promoting
inclusive and equitable education; gender equality; full employment and decent work;
access to water and sanitation; among others (UN, 2016).
Therefore, it is a question of continuing the commitments incorporated in the 8
Millennium Development Goals (MDG) launched in 2000 that, despite not having
reached their fullness, contributed to the resolution of some social problems, especially
in the context of developing countries (Sachs, 2012). However, this new global agenda
differs from the previous one. The MDG were originally developed by the OECD in 1996
as part of its development strategy for the 21st Century. These ended up being
integrated into the UN agenda and, after an “iterated distillation, extracted from a wide
array of global processes, with many actions involved over several years” (McArthur,
2014: 6), were approved by the Heads of State and Government under the so-called
“United Nations Millennium Summit”. In words of McArthur, the MDG constitute
themselves as the “world's first explicit development partnership framework between
developed and developing countries” (McArthur, 2014: 20), having as one of its main
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objectives the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger in the world. Guimarães and
Ferreira (2020) argue that the intergovernmental actions in favor of human
development during the beginning of the 21st Century, had as base guidelines the MDG,
whose focus was on the provision of basic services such as access to sanitation water
and drinking water, in addition to the fight against extreme poverty, especially in the
context of developing countries.
Even though the SDG are based on some successes achieved through the MDG,
the new global agenda stands out for the inclusion of new priority areas such as climate
change, sustainable consumption, and innovation. As well as through SDG 17, which
requires the participation of several actors through the establishment of collaborative
partnerships between countries and other stakeholders, this specific SDG seeks to
promote partnerships between developed and developing countries, considering
reducing disparities between them, the implementation of strategies that range from
information sharing and technology transfer, even opportunities for research
development (Addo-Atuah et al., 2020). Among the actors called to contribute, some
groups stand out: Non-Governmental Organizations; local authorities; unions; women,
children, and youth; enterprise and industry and the scientific and technological
The goals demand an advance in access to technology, as well as scientific
knowledge, aiming at the sharing of ideas and global research partnerships in several
areas of knowledge. In other words, SDG 17 refers to an important objective in the
context of consolidating global partnerships that aim to contribute to the achievement
of other objectives (Addo-Atuah et al., 2020), especially concerning the scope of
education. In this regard, it is also possible to point out some changes that occurred in
relation to the previous agenda, such as secondary and higher education, which, unlike
the MDG, ended up gaining greater notoriety in the 2030 Agenda.
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On the subject of HEI, the role attributed to universities, research centers and
laboratories, as well as research funding agencies is highlighted. This issue will be
further addressed in topic 3 of this paper, however, it is possible to pose the following
beforehand: in addition to the contributions made by such actors in relation to the SDG,
the opposite is also evident, that is, the contributions of the SDG to these institutions.
Such contributions, as presented by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network
(SDSN) Australia/Pacific (2017), may be due to the establishment of new partnerships,
access to new internal and external financing within the scope of financing agencies,
as well as through the capture of demand for education associated with the SDG and
demonstration of the social impact of universities on society (SDSN Australia/Pacific,
According to the literature, a university and research center and, by extension, a
research funding agency that incorporates the SDG as a guideline, tends to
problematize the inequalities present in society to train professionals capable of
reasoning critically, preparing them to participate in the economy and contribute to the
public good (Leal Filho et al., 2017). Thus, these institutions perform research and seek
to produce new knowledge, in view of their sharing with the external community,
contributing directly to their locality. In this regard, Leal Filho et al. (2017) shows that
several universities around the world are trying to transform their institutional structures
in line with the SDG, considering the proposal of new curricular and pedagogical
approaches, the establishment of new collaborations with other Higher Education
Institutions and research funding agencies, in addition to the implementation of good
practices of co-existence between the internal and external communities of these
Note that the idea of the SDG gained rapid worldwide relevance due to the growing
urgency for sustainable development and, although the definitions of this term still vary
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in the academic sphere, it encompasses a triple approach to human well-being that
the 193 UN Nation-States aim to aim (Sachs, 2012). However, even though many
stakeholders are committed to reaching them (UN, 2016) and the SDG share a global
approach and dimension, the political strategy for its implementation has national
emphasis, and it is up to each country to determine its priorities, forms of financing,
evaluation and monitoring of results. Then, “by not presenting strong global
governance and financing proposals that effectively support national governments,
Agenda 2030 deals with the risk that the SDG will be unevenly met throughout the world,
with some not even achieving partial results” (Moreira et al., 2019: 23).
Among the critical perspectives on the SDG, we highlight the production of De
Menezes (2020), Gómez Gil (2018), Persson, Weitz and Nilsson (2016) and Schneider
et al. (2019).
When performing a critical review, Gómez Gil (2018) argues that the complex
architecture, the technical limitations, and criticism by the international community, end
up projecting some limitations to achieve the objectives of this new global agenda.
Thus, the author presents that several scientific institutions and development
organizations criticize it for its numerous objectives, since many of the goals are seen
as ambitious, in addition to the problems related to the viability of the approved
indicators. Despite this, the author recognizes that its innovative element refers to its
universal character that overlaps and reinforces each other through a multilevel
performance in local, regional, national, and global spaces.
Another element addressed concerns the problem of the lack and quality of basic
data for monitoring the implementation of this agenda in most of the poorest countries.
Similarly, Persson, Weitz and Nilsson (2016) adds that due to the low level of obligation
and the lack of specific enforcement and compliance mechanisms, efforts to monitor
and evaluate the implementation of the SDG become critical elements considering the
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conservation of the credibility of the agenda and the commitments assumed, resulting
in little effort to achieve them.
In the perspective of Schneider et al. (2019), although the 2030 Agenda
represents a universal vision regarding sustainability, it needs to be explored critically,
especially in relation to the dynamics of power, values and perspectives involved in its
development process. “Key questions about whose voices were influential in the
formulation of the 2030 Agenda, whose perspectives were taken into account, and who
stands to win or to lose are as urgent as they are complex” (Schneider et al., 2019:
De Menezes (2020) highlights the fragile aspects of some goals and targets of
the agenda, as is the case of knowledge and technology transfer, especially those
listed in SDG 17. The author considers that such goals are “exhortatory, which proclaim,
in a generic way, the need to foster international cooperation” (De Menezes, 2020: 12,
own translation). Such transfers, however, should be analyzed with caution, in view of
the "miracles" promised from a linear view of scientific progress. This linear view must
be deconstructed in view of the Social Studies of Science and Technology (Conde and
Araújo-Jorge, 2003; Dagnino, Thomas and Davyt, 1996).
Corroborating such criticisms, we add an issue: several SDG are at odds with each
other. This means that to achieve a specific goal, for example, achieving strong GDP
growth, we will have a negative impact on terms of environmental preservation.
Therefore, because it is a hegemonic agenda, the SDG do not share an approach that
transcends the current economic model. The agenda preserves a kind of "socio-
technical gatopardism", that is, despite addressing issues such as the reduction of
inequalities, there is no thought of changing the current productive and financial system
(Dibbern, 2023).
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In addition, we also add the issue concerning the specifics of each region of the
globe. The socioeconomic problems experienced by Latin American countries, for
example, differ from those of the Global North countries. Therefore, the question is
whether a global development agenda incorporates the particularities of each region.
Or, considering the theoretical framework of the STS field, it is up to Latin American
countries, for example, to create their own development agenda.
However, despite the criticisms exposed, the SDG agenda has become globally
diffused as strategic north for various stakeholders, including the scientific community.
Therefore, studying how this agenda has been adopted by various actors becomes
important, to precisely understand their motivations, particularities, and behavior.
SDG and the scientific community
As discussed in the previous section, 2030 Agenda demands the participation of
several stakeholders, with a view to establish partnerships and collaborations. One of
these actors refers to the scientific community, which is represented by universities,
research centers and laboratories, in addition to research funding agencies. This
community is called to contribute to the development of new ideas and information in
the context of solving global problems, being necessary and beneficial to the
establishment of new scientific cooperation (Schmalzbauer, and Visbeck, 2016).
Regarding the promotion and production of new research, the SDG demand the
following: SDG 2.a, 3.b, 7.a and 12.a point to the need for the development of research
and scientific contributions over sustainable agriculture, vaccine development and
sustainable production and consumption issues; SDG 14.3, 14.4, 14.5 and 14.a,
indicate the need for new scientific contributions to address fisheries management and
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ocean treatment; SDG 9.5 demands the improvement of scientific research, in order to
update the technological capabilities of various industrial sectors in the world,
especially in developing countries; SDG 9.b demands supporting development of
research and innovation in developing countries, providing an environment favorable
to industrial diversification and adding value to commodities; other SDG can also be
highlighted as SDG 17.6, which refers to the establishment of regional and international
cooperation in the scope of access to science, technology and innovation; as well as
SDG 17.8 that aimed to operationalize “the Technology Bank and the training
mechanism in science, technology and innovation for the least developed countries by
2017, and to increase the use of training technologies” (UN, 2016).
The SDSN Australia/Pacific Report presents collaboration with regard to how such
a community can contribute to these Goals. According to this document, although
teaching, research, governance, and external engagement are addressed separately,
they are directly interconnected (SDSN Australia/Pacific, 2017). The SDG, therefore,
represent a great opportunity to create, strengthen and reveal the links that exist
between them, being an approach to be integrated by the entire scientific community,
especially universities, considering a better involvement with this global research
SDSN Australia/Pacific also presents an overview of the main contributions that
this community can make in relation to the SDG. The first one refers to the teaching and
learning dimension. Therefore, because it is one of the foundations of the SDG, quality
education produces significant benefits in relation to sustainable development for
individuals, communities, and countries. Thus, considering undergraduate, graduate,
professional education, distance education, extracurricular activities, and student
movements, they play an important role in the implementation of the SDG. The second
contribution mentioned concerns research development. This contemplates the role to
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be played by research centers and laboratories, as well as research funding agencies,
since they constitute themselves as institutions capable of implementing the SDG
through their funding notices and institutional research agenda, considering the
objectives and goals mentioned at the beginning of this section. Thus, the academic
community, through its research capacity, has a relevant role regarding the production
of knowledge, solutions, and innovations, constituting itself as a key element to
address and implement the SDG.
As for the third contribution, the dimensions of governance and organizational
operations within universities, development centers and agencies are emphasized. In
this case, the impact related to the incorporation of the SDG in relation to their sphere
of operational influence is observed. In other words, it recognizes the impact on the
plan of the internal community within the university and agency, and externally. The
report presents the possibility of aligning the governance structures of these institutions
and their operational policies with the objectives and goals of the SDG. Such alignment
can be accomplished through a mapping in relation to the strategies, policies and
indicators present in university reports, assessing the level of congruence in relation to
the SDG, as well as through their incorporation in the organizational reports of
universities and funding agencies. Finally, the dimension of external leadership stands
out, with a view to strengthening the engagement and participation of actors internal
and external to the university in the SDG plan. In addition, such a community can also
contribute toward facilitating dialogue and intersectoral actions, as well as contribute
to the monitoring and development of public policies in the defense of sustainable
development and in the implementation of the SDG (SDSN Australia/Pacific, 2017).
As related, it can be said that the scientific community is called upon to be
involved with the 2030 Agenda at different levels of action: through the identification of
what the university and research centers and, by extension, the funding agencies come
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developing to contribute to the SDG; by recognizing the importance and usefulness of
the SDG in conducting teaching, research, governance and extension activities as a
general strategy to be incorporated; and, through the integration of the SDG into
institutional governance structures (SDSN Australia/Pacific, 2017). As such, this
community has the role of assisting in translating such a global agenda into practical
agendas to be implemented at national and local levels (Salvia et al., 2019).
Reaffirming these elements, Owens (2017) adds about the existence of two main
areas in which this community can work together between governments and other HEI
and agencies that promote research and development, they are: through public
investment in research and development, as well as through the establishment of new
collaborative and coordination partnerships between such actors. These areas, in turn,
can be implemented through regional cooperation, because “regional networks help
governments to understand how other countries in a similar situation have responded
and to guide them in their next steps” (Owens, 2017: 418), which can be a starting
point for public policy makers (ICSU, 2017).
Therefore, a new global research agenda is already being incorporated through
collaborations between national and international funding agencies, as well as
between scientific associations and higher education institutions. That is, it concerns
“a common agenda [which] opens the door to more partnerships and different points
of view on education and training” (Akkari, 2017: 941), illustrating the growing influence
on the part of international organizations in the scope of national public policies on
education and other areas of knowledge (Dibbern and Serafim, 2021).
Leal Filho et al. (2017) adds that, as it is a matter of global concern, several
initiatives on the SDG have emerged within the scientific community from different areas
of knowledge, such as the educational platform SDG Academy”, which offers online
courses on the SDG; the initiatives of the “International Science Council”, which
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coordinates international actions on issues of great academic importance present in
the SDG; the actions developed by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network,
which aim to promote projects that integrate the SDG, and the Paris Agreement on
Climate Change, through education, research and analysis of public policies; among
In the context of Latin America and the Caribbean, the actions and activities
carried out within the framework of the Economic Commission for Latin America and
the Caribbean (ECLAC) stand out. ECLAC has played an important role in the creation
and coordination of the “Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el
Desarrollo Sostenible”, as a regional mechanism for monitoring and tracking the
implementation of the 2030 Agenda; in addition to participating in the “High Level
Political Forum”, an intergovernmental mechanism that meets annually –at Ministerial
level– within the Economic and Social Council and, every four years –at the level of
Heads of State– within the scope of the UN General Assembly. The next section of the
article presents the FAPESP case study.
Although such initiatives in higher education context are important, we cannon
disregard the criticisms indicated in the previous section. Although the goals and
targets that make up the SDG agenda are highly scientific and technological in nature
–going beyond the dimensions of public administration–, it is necessary to be careful
with their impasses and problems related to the economic and environmental
dimension (Alves and Fernandes, 2020; De Menezes, 2020; Dibbern, 2023; Galvão
and de Menezes, 2020).
The case of the São Paulo Research Foundation
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The case study to be presented in this paper refers to the Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP). For
that, a bibliographic review was performed on its institutionalization and roles. In
addition, as a methodological part of the study, exploratory research was carried out
within the scope of the FAPESP Virtual Library in relation to the grants and scholarships
provided by this institutional website, being related to the major topic of sustainable
development, as well as those referring explicitly to the SDG.It is important to highlight
that researchers funded by FAPESP have been conducted research on this major theme
even before the launch of the SDG agenda. Therefore, this study has identified a series
of research projects funded by the agency that focus on this theme before 2015.As an
example, we can mention the case of the three main strategic programs of FAPESP, as
shown in the table below:
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Table 2. FAPESP's Programs
Programs Released
Year Aims
and grants
(concluded and
in progress)
Research Program in
Restoration and
Sustainable Use of
Biodiversity – BIOTA
Its purpose is to map and analyze
biodiversity, including fauna, flora and
microorganisms, but also to evaluate the
possibilities of sustainable exploitation of
plants or animals with economic
potential and to subsidize the
formulation of conservation policies for
forest remnants. The projects are
developed under the responsibility of a
Principal Researcher linked to higher
education and research institutions in
the State of São Paulo. The selection is
peer reviewed.
Bioenergy Research
Program – BIOEN 2008
Supports research and development
activities, using academic and industrial
laboratories to promote the
advancement of knowledge and its
application in areas related to the
production of Bioenergy in Brazil. The
projects are developed under the
responsibility of a Principal Researcher
linked to higher education and research
institutions in the State of São Paulo.
The selection is peer reviewed.
FAPESP Research
Program on Global
Climate Change –
It aims to advance knowledge on this
topic. The program's research results
are expected to assist in scientifically
informed decision making with respect to
risk assessments and mitigation and
adaptation strategies. The projects are
developed under the responsibility of a
Principal Researcher linked to higher
education and research institutions in
the State of São Paulo. The selection is
peer reviewed.
Source: Author’s elaboration according to FAPESP (2022a).
To identify the grants and scholarships, we used the terms: "SDG", "Sustainable
Development Goals" and "Global Goals" as keywords, and from these, we performed
a filter in relation to the results found.
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Figure 1. Research design
Source: Own elaboration.
Therefore, before the presentation of the results, a brief context related to the history
of FAPESP is exposed. Formally created in 1960 by means of Law No. 5,918, October
18th, 1960, the São Paulo Research Foundation started operating only in 1962, through
Decree Law No. 40,132, of May 23rd, 1962 (ALESP, 1947). Within the scope of the law
that institutes it, the purpose of the Foundation refers precisely to the “support for
scientific research” in its birthplace (São Paulo State), showing by its competence
domain the strategic role and the importance of such a Brazilian development agency
within the scope of the national S&T Policy, as well as regarding to its potential in the
establishment of new collaborations and cooperation between national and
international researchers.
Lafer (2015) states that the promotion carried out by the Foundation assess three
main objectives: the advancement of scientific knowledge; applied research; support
for research infrastructure. The first objective is related to the offer of regular
scholarships and assistance with a view to train human resources, in addition to
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thematic projects and various programs. The second refers to the financing of research
with great potential for application, as well as of economic and social interest, being
developed through projects such as Pesquisa Inovativa em Pequenas Empresas
(Innovative Research in Small Companies PIPE). In the case of the third objective,
resources allocation is foreseen to provide adequate infrastructure for carrying out
research, such as modernization of laboratories and internet access.
Specifically, in relation to the offer of scholarships, the Foundation classifies as
follows: scholarships in the country, which can be: Scientific Initiation, Master's,
Doctorate, Direct Doctorate, Post-Doctorate, Technical Training, Public Education,
Scientific Journalism, Participation in Course and Young Researcher; and scholarships
abroad, such as: Research Internship Scholarship Abroad and Research Scholarship
Abroad. Associated with these types of scholarships, the policy of public notices and
calls made by the funding agency stands out, being these periodically called for wide
competition, which may include research projects, projects for training courses and/or
training of human resources, scholarships studies in the country and abroad,
publishing and publication of journals, that is, contemplating various financing
mechanisms provided by the Foundation.
This policy, however, can be spontaneous or induced demand. The first ones
refer to the submission of research projects of different levels and modalities sent
spontaneously, that is, at any time of the year, covering all areas of knowledge. In other
words, it is about offering the researcher the possibility of choosing and proposing the
theme to be researched, which can be free or delimited in thematic axes. The second
type of demand concerns projects submitted in response to specific notices and calls,
therefore, thematic lines, resources and defined execution time are determined. As
discussed above, the allocation of such grants will be analyzed within the scope of this
paper, with special emphasis on those that explicitly refer to the SDG.
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It should be noted that, as attested by Lafer (2015), FAPESP has been going
through a process of constant internationalization recently. This process is carried out
through agreements with similar entities –such as HEI and other development
agencies– around the world, constituting itself as “an answer to the challenge of the
importance for the advancement of knowledge, the potential for interaction between
researchers national and foreign”, as well as its insertion into the “new molds on the
agenda of the world agenda” of research (Lafer, 2015: 8-9). In this sense, within the
scope of the results presented below, an increase in this interaction with international
institutions over the years can be seen, at least in the field of research related to
sustainable development and the SDG.
Before presenting the results obtained, it should be noted that FAPESP had already
financed projects addressing the topic of sustainable development and the
sustainability issues, even before SDG approval, thus, demonstrating engagement in
funding research related to the theme (see Table 2). These initiatives developed by
FAPESP show its commitment to issues related to sustainability and sustainable
development, with an internal movement of support from the professor-researchers
that compose the Foundation.
From this context, we will present the results obtained by consulting the
institutional portal of the FAPESP Virtual Library, carried out in October-December 2020.
On the Virtual Library portal, all scholarships financed by the institution are available
with the following data available: year start of the grant award; area of knowledge; line
of support; agreement or agreement signed –if any–; linked institution; partner
institution –if any–; and partner company –if any. In addition, it is also possible to
identify the location of the research, if it was performed through a cooperation
agreement with institutions abroad and, by extension, the main continents that carry
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out this type of partnership with the Foundation, with a view to the theme researched
in this paper.
It was possible to identify a total of 2,107 research grants and scholarships
awarded between the period 1992 to 2020, which included at least one of the keywords
or terms provided at the beginning of this section. Corresponding 0,82% of all research
supported by the agency, this value represents a low number of research studies and
projects funded by the agency concerning this topic, even though the agency has the
aforementioned strategic programs. It is important to emphasize that the agency funds
research in all areas and fields of knowledge.
The Graph 1 shows the total number of grants and scholarships identified
according to the year in which they started. These, in turn, refer specifically to those
who presented one or more words or key terms from our consultation to the previously
indicated database. The increase in funded research over the years is related to the
growing significance of the theme, particularly concerning environmental issues,
climate change, and sustainability, especially from the year 2000 onwards. In 2008,
there was a notable initial increase in the funding of these research projects, which
gained further momentum over the subsequent years. 2016 also stands out for the
increase in the number of scholarships and grants awarded specifically on this theme.
Our hypothesis for this issue refers to the approval of the SDG as a guide to be reached
by different actors, as well as in relation to the number of agreements and cooperation
established between FAPESP and other institutions abroad in the same period.
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Graph 1. Total scholarships and grants per year, according to the consulted
Source: Own elaboration.
Other elements can also be exposed in relation to the data collection performed, such
as the data provided by Graph 2, showing the list of scholarships and grants provided
by FAPESP according to the areas of knowledge. Therefore, we use the FAPESPS
classification of areas: Agrarian Sciences, Biological Sciences, Health Sciences,
Exacts and Earth Sciences, Human Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Engineering,
Interdisciplinary and, Linguistics, Letters and Arts. Thus, as can be seen in the figure
indicated, the areas that stand out most in terms of the award of grants and
358 8 8
28 26 30 25 21 33 28 34 38 49 53
90 84 77
0230 0
-5 -4
6411 4
-6 -7
26 35
Number of scholarchips/grants
Number of scholarhips and grants Total Increase/Decrease
Lineal (Number of scholarhips and grants)
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 21
scholarships in relation to sustainable development and SDG, refer to Exacts and Earth
Sciences, Agrarian Sciences, and Engineering.
Graph 2. Total scholarships and grants provided by major area of knowledge,
according to the keywords consulted
Source: Own elaboration.
At Table 1, funding lines provided by FAPESP with regard to the investigated subject are
also highlighted. Regarding research grants, it is evident that Regular Grant (296),
Organization of Scientific Meetings (122) and Innovative Research in Small
Companies (120) stand out. Regarding scholarships in the country, the attribution of
Scientific Initiations (355), the Qualification/Technical Training Program (191), Master's
(187), Doctorate (127) and Postdoctoral (171) stands out. Finally, in terms of
scholarships abroad, research grants (43), Post-Doctorate (28) and Doctorate (25) are
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 22
noteworthy. Therefore, a total of 1,256 scholarships are declared in the country and
abroad and 851 research grants were provided between 1992 and 2020, considering
the theme addressed here.
Specifically, in relation to the awarding of grants by promotion line and area of
knowledge, the Agrarian Sciences, Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences stand
out again (see Table 3). As for the other areas, only Linguistics, Languages and Arts
did not present any scholarship granted in relation to the theme, since the only
assignment mentioned in the consultation was a research grant.
Table 3. Scholarship’s allocation by promotion line and area of knowledge,
regarding to the keywords consulted
Lines of support
Area of Knowledge
Agrarian Sciences
Biological Sciences
Health Sciences
Exact and Earth
Applied Social
Languages and Arts
Scholarships in Brazil
Support for Young
Researchers 1 2 - 2 2 - - - - 7 0,5
Doctorate degree 28 20 2 18 1
8 15 24 2 - 12
7 10,1
Doctorate 3 4 6 3 7 1 - 24 1,9
research 65 43 6 44 4
4 74 64 15 - 35
5 28,2
Master's degree 31 21 9 24 3
3 35 28 6 - 18
7 14,8
Research in Small
Business – PIPE
23 12 4 6 - 1 19 4 - 69 5,4
Post doctoral 34 20 2 46 1
1 13 30 15 - 17
1 13,6
BIOTA Program –
Support for Young
- 1 - - - - - - - 1 0,07
Training Program
– Technical
55 25 20 41 5 11 23 11 - 19
1 15,2
ESCIENCE 1 - - - - - - - - 1 0,07
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 23
Program - Small
- - - 1 - 2 - 1 - 4 0,3
Scholarships abroad
Internship –
6 6 - 6 3 2 2 - - 25 1,9
Internship – Direct
1 - - - - 2 1 - - 4 0,3
Internship –
Scientific Initiation
1 1 - - 2 2 3 - - 9 0,7
Internship –
2 2 - 2 2 1 - - - 9 0,7
Internship –
6 4 - 5 - - 8 5 - 28 2,2
New Frontiers - - - - - 1 - - - 1 0,07
Search 8 3 1 7 5 9 8 2 43 3,4
Total 265 164 44 208
62 0 1,2
56 100
Source: Own elaboration.
Regarding the cooperation agreements and agreements signed between FAPESP and
other institutions, that is, regarding the induced demands, these ended up expanding
quantitatively over the years as pointed out by Lafer (2015). Corroborating this
concern, Graph 3 presents a scenario for the growth of such agreements, especially
from 2015 onwards, in relation to the theme discussed here. For this result, we again
attribute the hypothesis regarding the approval of the SDG, which encourages the
establishment of partnerships and collaborations between different institutions and
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 24
Graph 3. Signed agreements by FAPESP per year, according to the consulted
Source: Own elabortation.
Among the 327 agreements and covenants signed in the aforementioned period, and
related to the subject in question, the projects financed with the Belmont Forum stand
out (94), reinforcing the results obtained by Dibbern and Serafim (2022); other
agreements with Brazilian funding agencies can also be observed, such as the case
of the Coordinação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Coordination
for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel CAPES) linked to the Ministry of
Education (47); the Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Financier of Studies and
Projects – FINEP) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (33); and, the
Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia-CNPq (National Institutes of Science and
Technology-National Council for Scientific and Technological Development INCT-
CNPq), linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (20). These
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 25
agencies, along with FAPESP, constitute the main institutions that finance scientific
research within the Brazilian science and technology system. Other agreements can
also be visualized, which are established with national and international research
institutions1. Regarding the relationship between such cooperation
agreements/partnerships and the areas of knowledge, the main areas remain between
the Exact and Earth Sciences (85), Engineering (51) and Agrarian Sciences (49),
1 Such as: GlaxoSmithKline (9); CNPq/Brazil (8); Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (7); Ministêrio de
Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação – MCTI/Brazil (7); Foundation for Science and Technology (6); Vale S.A.,
Fapespa and Fapemig (6); FINEP/Brazil (5); 4 results each: BBSRC, United Kingdom
Research&Innovation UKRI, Newton Fund; Shell Group; British Council, CONFAP, Newton Fund; 3
results each: BE-Basic Foundation; CONFAP, Newton Fund, ESRC, UKRI; CONFAP, Newton Fund, UK
Academies; ESRC, UKRI, Dutch Organization for Scientific Research; German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research; 2 results each: French National Research Agency; Australian Technology
Network of Universities; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UKRI; National
Commission for Scientific and Technological Research; Alberta, Laval, Dalhousie and Ottawa
Consortium; Fundação SEADE (2); Global Environment Facility; Imperial College, United Kingdom;
Koppert Brazil; Medical Research Council, UKRI, Newton Fund; Newton Fund; Government Secretariat
of the State of São Paulo; Secretariat of the Environment; Texas A&M University; 1 result each: Agilent
Technologies Laboratory: Chemical Analysis, Lyfe Sciences and Diagnostics; BBSRC, UKRI, National
Council for State Research Support Foundations, Newton Fund; British Council, Newton Fund; National
Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, Concytec, Conicet, NERC, UKRI, Newton Fund;
Concytec; CONFAP, Newton Fund; CONFAP, Newton Fund, EPSRC, UKRI; CONFAP; Newton Fund, NERC,
UKRI; CSIC; DAAD; Innovation Fund Denmark; IUPAC; Microsoft Research; National Research Foundation,
South Africa; NERC, UKRI, Newton Fund; NWO; Network of Italian Universities; Trans-Atlantic Platform for
the Social Sciences and Humanities; Horizon 2020-EU; Universidad de la Frontera; Universidad de
Magallanes; University of Illinois; University of Manchester; University of Melbourne; University of
Nottingham; University of Queensland; University of Surrey; University of Texas; University of Warwick;
VITAE, Support for Culture, Education and Social Promotion; No agreements declared = 1780 results.
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 26
followed by the Biological Sciences (48), Applied Social Sciences (30), Interdisciplinary
(29), Human Sciences (18), Health Sciences (16) and, Linguistics, Languages and Arts
About the place where the research was carried out, 123 scholarships and grants
were carried out at institutions abroad, such as: 76 in European countries; 38 on the
American continent, especially in North America; 5 in countries in Oceania; 2 in Asia
and 2 in the African continent. The other 1984 scholarships and grants supported by
FAPESP were developed within the scope of the Brazilian State, especially in the State
of São Paulo, which shows a greater amount of grants and scholarships linked to the
Universidade de São Paulo (University of São Paulo USP; 676), Universidade do
Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo State University UNESP; 441) and the Universidade
Estadual de Campinas (State University of Campinas – Unicamp; 216). Other HEI can
also be highlighted, as is the case of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Federal
University of São Carlos; 141), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University
of São Paulo; 28) and the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Getúlio Vargas Foundation; 20).
Also noteworthy are the grants and assistance linked to the Ministries of the Presidency
of the Republic and Secretariats of the State of São Paulo, as is the case of the Ministry
of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications and the Secretariat of
Agriculture and Supply. In other words, it is possible to observe that in addition to the
theme of the SDG and sustainable development incorporating the Foundation's
research agenda, these are also present in the political agenda at the federal and state
Other data presented in the scope of the study is the identification of companies
linked to the grants and scholarships provided. In this sense, there are the following:
135 scholarships/grants have links with private companies; of these, the companies
most involved are “4tree Agroflorestal Ltda”, BG E&P Brasil Ltda”, “Chemyunion
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 27
Química Ltda” and “Decoy Tecnologia em Prague Control Ltda”, among others. Other
companies are alsodeclared, such as “Accert Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em
Química e Biotecnologia Ltda” and “Água da Mata Desenvolvimento Sustentável Ltda”.
It should be noted that the area of knowledge with which they are associated refers to
Agrarian Sciences, Engineering, Biological Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences,
Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Applied Social Sciences and, as for Humanities and
Linguistics, Languages and Arts, these did not present any related company.
In addition to the scholarships and grants identified, it was also possible to
observe other types of contributions to the theme of the SDG, in view of a partnership
established between the Management of Studies and Indicators of the development
agency with the Government of São Paulo and the State System of Data Analysis
Foundation. This resulted in the publication of the “1st Monitoring Report on the
Sustainable Development Goals of the State of São Paulo” (Governo do Estado de
São Paulo, Fundação SEADE and FAPESP, 2019), which presents information on the
achievement of such Objectives and goals within the scope of the 2016-2019
Pluriannual Plan of the State, as well as explaining indicators that make it possible to
portray the conditions in which the State is in and carry out the monitoring of objectives
and targets. This document is organized in eleven chapters and presents a series of
themes "under which the SDG that have complementary are grouped, and for which
integrated actions and solutions are identified" (Governo do Estado de São Paulo,
Fundação SEADE and FAPESP, 2019: 9, own translation).
According to José Goldemberg, former president of the Foundation, the report
states that the State of São Paulo is on a “good path about to some of the indicators”
(Goldemberg, 2019: 5). As an example, the author mentions drop in infant mortality
present in the indicator related to SDG 3, drop in crime (SDG 16), improvement in the
scope of school attendance (SDG 4), as well as the progress made regarding “forest
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 28
cover of the State and marine environmental protection” (SDG 14 and 15). Other
indicators are also highlighted by the author, who attaches great importance to this
joint work as one of the possible ways to achieve an overview of the achievement of
such SDG and the areas by which the State needs to improve. In other words, it is a
partnership between a research promotion agency and the state public sector, in
compliance with SDG 17 presented in this paper. Other documents can be seen in the
scope of the FAPESP Journal, which reports and discusses through papers, the results
of research related to the theme, as well as presents the calls for scholarships and
grants referring to the SDG and other areas of knowledge. In this sense, it is an attempt
to publicize the actions, activities and research concerning the subject in question,
highlighting the institutionalization of the SDG as a guide to be reached and
incorporated into the Foundation's research agenda.
Such initiatives –among the funding of scholarships, grants and the
establishment of international scientific cooperation– demonstrate that FAPESP has
been considering the theme of sustainable development and sustainability as a
strategic issue, even before the launch of the SDG agenda.
Another way to obtain information about the research funded by the Foundation
and its classification by SDG is through the institutional classification carried out by the
agency's Virtual Library. This categorization is done through keywords of the funded
projects, and it is implemented through a portal linked to FAPESP called "FAPESP and
the Sustainable Development Goals". Launched in 2021, this portal is part of the
celebrations of the Foundation's 60th anniversary, representing a unique initiative in
terms of the agency's approach to the SDG (Dibbern, 2023).
Despite representing an interesting effort in classifying research projects
according to the SDG, this classification was carried out in a top-down manner without
consulting the researchers. Additionally, it was done based on all funded projects,
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 29
without an initial pre-classification of research projects that truly aligned with the
themes of the SDG. In other words, every research project funded by FAPESP –even
those unrelated to sustainable development– were categorized based on the SDG; in a
different way proposed by this paper. Nevertheless, it is still interesting to analyze how
they are distributed across different areas of knowledge. The table below presents the
number of research projects funded based on the SDG and areas of knowledge.
Table 4: Classification of research projects by area of knowledge and SDG
SDG 1 95 260 134 478 221 368 58 47 47 1708
SDG 2 1798 728 429 596 373 808 319 284 124 5459
SDG 3 1198 1664 200 191 88 3922 49 68 2 7382
SDG 4 57 270 525 3938 318 1186 109 160 385 6948
SDG 5 190 122 11 687 133 364 3 20 107 1637
SDG 6 501 450 544 114 67 148 1996 101 1 3922
SDG 7 1242 1441 2305 43 73 425 1758 118 7 7412
SDG 8 71 73 71 225 417 26 86 65 2 1036
SDG 9 327 610 1843 211 367 145 1100 218 9 4830
SDG 10 72 27 153 1404 1094 172 129 98 118 3267
SDG 11 65 58 195 181 838 17 250 64 3 1671
SDG 12 437 233 248 16 10 231 679 54 0 1908
SDG 13 783 934 1151 164 227 47 393 226 5 3930
SDG 14 1742 722 386 321 428 98 301 156 16 4170
SDG 15 371 541 194 102 117 12 154 80 0 1571
SDG 16 1 0 6 206 55 8 1 9 11 297
SDG 17 17 19 23 141 116 14 37 42 1 410
Total 8967 8152 8418 9018 4942 7991 7422 1810 838 57558
Source: Own elaboration.
As can be observed, each SDG has several research projects being developed or in
progress based on the areas of knowledge. In Agrarian Sciences, SDG 2 and 14 stand
out; in Biological Sciences, SDG 3 and 7 are prominent; in Exact and Earth Sciences,
SDG 7 and 9 are notable; in Humanities, SDG 4 and 10 are highlighted; in Applied Social
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 30
Sciences, SDG 10 and 11 are emphasized; in Health Sciences, SDG 3 and 4 are
significant; in Engineering, SDG 6 and 7 are notable; in Interdisciplinary studies, SDG 2
and 13 are prominent; and in Linguistics, Languages, and Arts, SDG 4 and 2 are
noteworthy. It is notable the quantity of the research conducted in relation to the SDG
3, 4 and 2.In this regard, the hypothesis is put forward that these SDG are the most
researched due to the challenges experienced by the Brazilian context.The various
fields of knowledge exhibit varying levels of funded research and financial support,
yielding distinct outcomes in relation to each SDG.
These data also allow for cross-reference with other categories, such as the types
of partner organizations and the types of host institutions in relation to each SDG. These
can be observed below.
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 31
Table 5: Classification by SDG and host institutions/types of partners
Host Institution Type of partner organizations
Public Education Re-
search Program Schools
Non-University Higher
Education Institutions
Museums, Archives, and
Information Centers
Professional Societies
Research funding agen-
cies and bodies
Higher education and re-
search institutions
0 25 43 87 0 3 1501 106 0 0 11 16
0 36 74 442 2 29 4477 324 1 24 48 35
0 347 234 611 0 32 6010 528 19 16 29 25
105 89 196 81 2 31 6312 247 2 14 6 8
1 24 33 88 0 2 1477 76 0 0 6 8
0 2 126 206 0 4 3369 164 0 57 21 19
0 19 172 697 0 2 6193 387 0 92 41 33
3 1 73 69 0 1 840 53 0 3 3 8
0 10 48 2978 0 14 1456 273 0 28 19 28
0 10 129 96 2 18 2865 169 0 6 12 17
0 1 22 64 0 2 1454 135 0 2 13 21
0 10 85 156 0 4 1423 85 0 33 3 9
0 1 37 537 0 8 3198 444 0 70 53 62
0 4 45 475 0 16 3386 230 2 22 21 43
0 0 19 180 0 3 1295 117 0 16 3 24
0 1 14 4 0 0 277 28 0 0 2 1
0 1 31 22 0 0 351 25 0 1 11 4
Source: Own elaboration based on FAPESP (2022b).
This table shows that among the host institutions involved in the development of
research and grants funded by FAPESP, universities and research institutions emerge
as the main actors within this system. As for partners with the highest number of
agreements, the involvement of other funding agencies and companies stands out.
Specifically in terms of the number of companies, the research conducted on the SDG
7, 13, and 6 stands out. Regarding the involvement of multinational organizations, the
SDG 13, 14, and 2 are highlighted, respectively.
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 32
Despite the relevance of the data and its demonstration of the agency's alignment
with the SDG, caution must be exercised in interpreting this relationship, especially
because it is a classification that forces the adherence of funded research to the SDG
(Dibbern, 2023).
Observing such movement through the theoretical framework of the Geopolitics
of Knowledge and the Latin American perspective of Social Studies of Science and
Technology, we can hypothesize that such adoption can refers to the influence of the
external community –especially some countries in Europe and the United States–,
which has been mobilizing very strongly in relation to the SDG (Dibbern and Serafin,
2021), and also to a mobilization of the research community associated with this
funding agency can be envisaged, aiming at the development of research on
sustainable development even before the launch of the SDG agenda itself.
When dealing with the dynamics of knowledge production and dissemination at
the global level, we come across several works that address power relations and their
asymmetries both in the formulation of research agendas and in the analysis of the
establishment of international scientific cooperation and partnerships (Connell, 2007;
Demeter, 2020; Kreimer and Levin, 2013).
The incorporation and use of the SDG by the Foundation and other institutions in
the scientific community, particularly in the Global South, need to be critically
examined. It is essential to acknowledge that their implementation has often been
oversimplified and imported, neglecting the complex nature of the sustainability
challenge. The uncritical adoption and alignment with the SDG by the Brazilian scientific
community, as exemplified by FAPESP, fail to question the underlying dependency
between the North and South poles, including in the production of scientific knowledge.
While it is important to align with the SDG agenda in order to compete with
development agencies, it is crucial not to overlook power relations and asymmetries
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 33
(Demeter, 2020). In many cases, these power dynamics and asymmetries are masked
and implicit due to the necessity of establishing partnerships, gaining visibility, and
being recognized as exemplary within the community. In other words, following Connell
(2012) perspective, it becomes necessary to adhere to the discourse produced by
dominant actors to be included in the Metropolis discourse.
The pressure to compete and gain recognition within the academic community
often leads to a hasty and uncritical adoption of research agendas originating from
countries in the Global North. This perpetuates scientific and technological
backwardness when the community passively adopts imported agendas that are not
align with its own context. The rhetoric of a "magic formula of the SDG " does not align
with the substantial efforts required by the Global South community to address its own
challenges and, consequently, overcome its scientific dependence.
Based on previous research conducted (Dibbern, 2023), FAPESP's alignment with
the SDG has been carried out without meaningful dialog with the local community in
São Paulo and without tailoring the SDG agenda to the specific local, national, and
regional contexts. While there is evidence of discursive and operational engagement,
such as the creation of the Portal and partnerships with the Belmont Forum, there is a
lack of contextual framing in the design of the Portal and the calls launched,
considering the SDG themselves. The protocol-like and uncritical use of the SDG
undermines the critical thinking that should ideally be upheld by the academic
community in the pursuit of generating new knowledge.It can be observed that the
scientific community is importing a form of "gatopardism," where an imported approach
is used to provide an easy recipe or formula for producing and justifying the social
relevance of research. In other words, the adoption and use of the SDG by the scientific
community align with a sort of "gatopardism" focused on the social relevance agenda
of research.
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 34
Final considerations
The SDG demand the participation of several actors in order to reach the 2030 Agenda,
with the scientific community being called upon to contribute through the promotion
and development of new scientific research and cooperation; thus, within the scope of
HEI and funding agencies, strategies based on the dimension of teaching-learning,
research, governance and external leadership can be employed, especially through
the institution of new collaborative and coordinating partnerships between such
national actors and international.
Despite the contributions of this community in relation to achieve the SDG agenda,
it is necessary to highlight some inherent problems with it. As indicated in the first
sections, there are several criticisms regarding the SDG: besides being a very broad
and ambitious agenda, the SDG share a positivist and linear approach to knowledge
and technology transfer. Other fragile aspects of the agenda also stand out, such as
the achievement of economic growth without negative impacts on the environment; the
problems of each region of the world –ignoring the dimension of power distribution–;
the limits of its funding and scope in almost the entire world; among others. However,
despite these critical aspects, the Latin American scientific community has been taking
ownership of this agenda (Dibbern and Serafim, 2021), as is the case in our study.
Therefore, in relation to the case of FAPESP, it was noted:
i. the Foundation has presented, over the years, a significant growth in relation to the
granting of scholarships and general grants that refer to the theme of the SDG and
sustainable development, that is, corroborating with our initial hypothesis;
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 35
ii. the main areas of knowledge covered by these grants and scholarships refer to
Agrarian Sciences, Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences;
iii. during the period analyzed, the main lines of promotion in the country refer to
Scientific Initiation scholarships, the Qualification/Technical Training Program,
Master's and Postdoctoral scholarships;
iv. research, postdoctoral and doctoral scholarships stand out in the other countries;
v. regarding the cooperation agreements and conventions signed, there has been a
quantitative expansion over the years, especially after 2015, especially with scientific
foundations from abroad –mainly in Europe;
vi. among the 123 scholarships and grants carried out abroad, the vast majority are in
countries in Europe and North America;
vii. private companies could also be identified in the research, indicating the existing
partnership between the Foundation and civil society institutions;
viii. other contributions by the Foundation could also be verified, as is the case with the
partnership with the public sector, and the dissemination of the results of the research
promoted through a scientific journal;
ix. within the scope of the grants and grants identified, a large majority refers to the
spontaneous demand from scientists and researchers, and there are also those who
refer to the demand induced by the Foundation with the other partner institutions.
In other words, it was possible to observe an overview of the adoption of this
international agenda through the Foundation, with an increasing number of
scholarships and grants offered over the years. Such collaborations, however, involve
foreign actors from the scientific community, such as funding agencies from some
countries in Europe and North America. Therefore, the reasons for its adoption fall
under two hypotheses: the first refers to the influence of foreign funding agencies that
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 36
have been incorporating such goals as a strategic north for research funding; the
second hypothesis refers to an internal movement within the Foundation itself
regarding the theme of sustainable development. For its confirmation, further research
must be carried out at the Foundation in order to understand the real motivations for
its adoption.
In the end of the paper, a criticism was outlined in this research referring to the
"adoption" or "alignment" of FAPESP regarding the SDG, considering our position and
dependence on the production of scientific knowledge. First, it should be noted that,
due to the criticism inherent to the SDG agenda, a more critical perspective related to
this agenda is expected from the scientific community. Considering the Latin American
context, an attempt to adapt the agenda to local and regional issues is expected.
The categorization of research projects based on the SDG has become common
in the literature, but the unrestricted and masked use of the SDG agenda has drawn
criticism. In the case of Fapeps, the categorization was conducted without consultation
with the scientific community and lacked clarity in the methodology used (Dibbern,
2023). To address these concerns, it is suggested to involve researchers in identifying
the SDG addressed by their funded projects and to implement a more critical
classification process, as developed in this research.
By following a protocol-based approach, FAPESP risks pasteurizing the discussion
and allowing any research project fit into the SDG agenda without demanding a
meaningful contribution. The SDG have become an umbrella, but there are limited
practical effects in terms of reorienting existing research, and local and regional goals
and indicators are often overlooked in favor of global themes. FAPESP is urged to better
qualify expectations for research projects aligned with the SDG and to ensure a clearer
alignment with the local context.
Revista Redes 58 – ISSN 1851-7072 37
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Artículo recibido el 17 de junio de 2022
Aprobado para su publicación el 12 de abril de 2024